“Dear Robbie Wright,

After listening to your Lightworker cd, I was drawn to write you this letter.

Recently myself and my husband went on holiday to Eastbourne, (my son also lives there). It is a very long journey as we live in Lincolnshire around 300 miles away. Anyway as we were almost there I felt the need to meditate and protect myself. Your Angel Warrior cd came to mind, so that is what I chose. We arrived safe and secure but tired but nothing that refreshment wouldn’t cure.
Anyway later that evening we decided we needed some money from the bank as we were running out of funds, so off to find a cash machine did we go. We hadn’t gone far when we spied one over the road near some shops and pubs. Then my attention was drawn to a loud cracking sort of sound, not being able to fathom it out we went on our way. We got our cash from the machine then headed back towards the way we came. Some girls were approaching us when again we heard this cracking sound, we and also the girls were startled by this as it seemed to be very close. Again we went on our way, we were just about to pass a bus stop when I felt an incredible pain in my back, I said to my husband I think I have been shot? no you haven’t he said, again I said it and asked him to look at my back. There was blood and a wound to my back which was swelling as he looked. We stayed were we were and called the police, who insisted that it needed to be checked so an ambulance arrived.

Luckily the pellet? hadn’t penetrated into my back. It had broke the skin and I now have a small scar as a reminder, I was told by the Ambulance people that I had been very lucky and that I must have been at an angle for the pellet to bounce off (maybe) But my thoughts are I KNOW that I was protected AND THANKS TO YOU and your Angel Warrior Cd I was not more seriously hurt. The most incredible thing was though, when I checked my tunic top I had been wearing that night, THERE WAS NO HOLE were I had been shot. So I know my suit of armour and my guides protected me, and I thank you with all my heart because without people like you this world would be a frightening place. I am now a true believer god bless you Robbie

Love & Light

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